Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Kans! Killa Kans!

Wow, long time no blog! Its been a while since I've finished a model, and WIP has been slow, but, here we go, mob of Killa Kans are  done! Overly weathered I think though, went OTT with the sponge on them! Still, i think they're quite cool all in all!

Getting the army slowly painted! Since the last blog I've now played 3 games of 40K, great fun! Who knew!? Playing in a doubles match on Thursday, looking forward to it.

Anyway, some cans!

My favorite one, drew a little snarly face on a rokkit and his pose is the most fun.

This was the first one I put together, he has a converted Rokkit arm, but other wise its a pretty stock pose, a but dull really, whats he doing just standing there?

This one is quite cool, the best rokkit conversion and a nice striding forward pose, I like him..

Really need to sort out a good lens for this. Sorry!