Ok, so, bit of a gap between blog posts, not like I've been busy, I just sort of forgot if I'm honest.
Been getting really excited about Warhammer 40,000 6th Edition, going to go down to Games Workshop Liverpool for midnight on Friday for what everyone now knows is the pre-order party, should be fun and they get to take more of my money, so, everyone is a winner.
I might even play the game this time round.
Anyway, as far as painting progress goes, not a lot this week, started work on this months Oath for the Something Awful thread, The AoBR Ork Warboss and a Space Marine Commander box, I took a while going through everything I could find to get the right Space Marine chapter, almost fell back on my first army, Blood Angels, but the new direction they've gone in, while really cool, wasn't for me, it just seems a little too fancy and ornate for Space Marines, so, although I know I shouldn't have, I chose Minotaurs, I worked on a test mini, an old Sergeant model I'd stripped and the first thing I tried looked great and took no time at all, it was almost cheating, still, I like them and it was so much fun doing those two marines, I had them both near enough finished in a few days. Still putting off the freehand I think the Commanders cloak needs though, not quite confident I can pull that off!
The Warboss got started, but he only has a few base colours down so far, nothing interesting, also, no photos yet!
Painting group tomorrow, will be at the Scythe and Teacup round the corner instead of Games Workshop, think we may have outstayed our welcome there, still its closer to home and with their crappy selection of models, I'll be less tempted to buy things every week.
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